The Hudson Transmission Project was conceived in response to a public solicitation by the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) in the spring of 2005 by which NYPA requested proposals for the supply of new electric power capacity for its customers in New York City. After careful evaluation, NYPA announced its selection of the Hudson Project in November, 2006, allowing HTP to begin the permitting process.
The project was extensively reviewed by federal, state, and local government agencies and obtained all major permits, which included:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Waterfront Development and associated Permits:
- These permits primarily cover cable installation in the New Jersey portion of the shoreline and river, as well as certain areas along the underground cable route. These permits were issued in 2009.
New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) Permit:
- The Hudson Project converter station is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (formerly the Meadowlands Commision), which acted as the zoning authority to approve the site plan. Approval was granted in January 2010.
New York Article VII Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need:
- This Certificate for major transmission facilities is issued by the New York Public Service Commission, which acts as lead agency in coordinating environmental and other reviews in New York State. The Certificate was issued in September 2010.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Permit:
- ACOE jurisdiction over the Project includes the Hudson River, and takes into account applicable environmental requirements of New York and New Jersey. The ACOE permit was issued in December 2010.
In addition to these major permits, HTP executed interconnection agreements with PJM Interconnection in New Jersey and with the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). Detailed studies that identified transmission system modifications, improvements and costs necessary to implement the Project without affecting system reliability were completed and accepted by both interconnection parties and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”).

Featured Photo
The Hudson Transmission Project began construction in May 2011 and was completed, six weeks ahead of schedule, in June 2013.
The Hudson Transmission Project was conceived in response to a public solicitation by the New York Power Authority (“NYPA”) in the spring of 2005 by which NYPA requested proposals for the supply of new electric power capacity for its customers in New York City. After careful evaluation, NYPA announced its selection of the Hudson Project in November, 2006, allowing HTP to begin the permitting process.
The project was extensively reviewed by federal, state, and local government agencies and obtained all major permits, which included:
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Waterfront Development and associated Permits:
- These permits primarily cover cable installation in the New Jersey portion of the shoreline and river, as well as certain areas along the underground cable route. These permits were issued in 2009.
New Jersey Meadowlands Commission (NJMC) Permit:
- The Hudson Project converter station is located within the jurisdictional boundaries of the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (formerly the Meadowlands Commision), which acted as the zoning authority to approve the site plan. Approval was granted in January 2010.
New York Article VII Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need:
- This Certificate for major transmission facilities is issued by the New York Public Service Commission, which acts as lead agency in coordinating environmental and other reviews in New York State. The Certificate was issued in September 2010.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) Permit:
- ACOE jurisdiction over the Project includes the Hudson River, and takes into account applicable environmental requirements of New York and New Jersey. The ACOE permit was issued in December 2010.
In addition to these major permits, HTP executed interconnection agreements with PJM Interconnection in New Jersey and with the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO). Detailed studies that identified transmission system modifications, improvements and costs necessary to implement the Project without affecting system reliability were completed and accepted by both interconnection parties and approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”).

Featured Photo
The Hudson Transmission Project began construction in May 2011 and was completed, six weeks ahead of schedule, in June 2013.