The Hudson Transmission Project represents far more than simply a transmission line between New Jersey and New York. The Project offers numerous short-term and long-term benefits on both sides of the Hudson River, including:
Provided more than 200 construction jobs, primarily in New Jersey, over the 24-month construction period.
Improved Reliability
Added a new power supply source for New York City as well as substantial system upgrades in northern New Jersey.
Environmentally Friendly
No emissions or combustion; no visual impacts; cleaned up a former industrial site.
Community Benefits
Substantial increase in property tax revenues for the Borough of Ridgefield, New Jersey.
Lower Electricity Costs
According to studies cited in the New York Article VII proceeding, cost savings on the order of $1 billion are projected over the life of the project.
Two-Way Capability
Can transmit power either way between New Jersey and New York.
New Jersey System Upgrades
System upgrades in northern New Jersey were an integral part of the Hudson project “package.” The actual work of implementing the upgrades was performed by the transmission-owning electric utilities in whose territories the work took place. The cost of the upgrades, estimated at nearly $180 million, were borne by the Project.
The upgrades have reduced transmission constraints and improved power flow in New Jersey, especially during critical peak demand periods. While the package of upgrades is a result of Hudson’s presence in the system, many of the individual work items were necessary even without Hudson simply because parts of the system were approaching their limits due to steadily increasing demand.
The ultimate result of these upgrades is increased reliability – a reinforced transmission system that is better able to withstand periods of peak demand and system disturbances. The strengthened system also produces a wider range of choices in meeting future energy needs because a more robust transmission system already exists to support them. As an example, the reinforced system facilitates power flow and means improved access to renewable energy sources such as Pennsylvania wind and solar power, especially since most of the upgrades are in westward locations of the PJM grid.
Also, from the standpoint of electrical system reliability, the Project has two-way power transfer capability, meaning that in an emergency such as a blackout in northern New Jersey, it could provide valuable assistance in restoring the local transmission grid. In addition, as an HVDC system, the Project has certain electrical characteristics that can be used to maintain the stability of its interconnecting utility (PSE&G).

New Jersey System UpGrades
System upgrades in northern New Jersey were integral part of the Hudson project “package.” The actual work of implementing the upgrades was performed by the transmission-owning electric utilities in whose territories the work took place. The cost of the upgrades, estimated at nearly $180 million, were borne by the Project.
The upgrades have reduced transmission constraints and improved power flow in New Jersey, especially during critical peak demand periods. While the package of upgrades is a result of Hudson’s presence in the system, many of the individual work items were necessary even without Hudson simply because parts of the system were approaching their limits due to steadily increasing demand.
The ultimate result of these upgrades is increased reliability – a reinforced transmission system that is better able to withstand periods of peak demand and system disturbances. The strengthened system also produces a wider range of choices in meeting future energy needs because a more robust transmission system already exists to support them. As an example, the reinforced system facilitates power flow and means improved access to renewable energy sources such as Pennsylvania wind and solar power, especially since most of the upgrades are in westward locations of the PJM grid.
Also, from the standpoint of electrical system reliability, the Project has two-way power transfer capability, meaning that in an emergency such as a blackout in northern New Jersey, it could provide valuable assistance in restoring the local transmission grid. In addition, as an HVDC system, the Project has certain electrical characteristics that can be used to maintain the stability of its interconnecting utility (PSE&G).